vignette(1) man page

Vignette 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT - Return to Jamie Mansfield


vignette - remapper for Java artefacts


java -jar vignette.jar [option]...

java -cp "vignette.jar" org.cadixdev.vignette.VignetteMain [option]...


Vignette is a tool for remapping Java artefacts using ’de-obfuscation’ mappings, built using many Cadix libraries - namely Lorenz and Atlas.

Vignette has been designed with the Minecraft modding community in mind, and supports the commonly-used SRG mapping formats out the box (SRG, CSRG, TSRG, XSRG).

It is possible to use further mapping formats, provided that a Lorenz IO module is available for the format. The Lorenz IO module needs to be placed in the Java classpath when running Vignette. You may then use the mapping format with Vignette, by specifying the appropriate mapping format.


-h, --help

shows help message and quits


shows version information and quits

-i, --jar-in

the input jar file to remap

-o, --jar-out

the path to write the remapped output jar

-f, --mapping-format

the mapping format to use when reading mapping files

-m, --mappings

the de-obfuscation mappings to remap with

-r, --reverse

reverses the de-obfuscation mappings when applied

-t, --threads

the number of threads to use when remapping

-l, --library

the libraries to add to the Atlas classpath


java -jar vignette.jar --jar-in input.jar --jar-out output.jar --mapping-format tsrg --mappings input.tsrg

remaps the JAR file input.jar using the mappings file input.tsrg in the tsrg format, to be written to output.jar.

java -cp "vignette.jar:lorenz-io-jam.jar" org.cadixdev.vignette.VignetteMain --jar-in input.jar --jar-out output.jar --mapping-format jam --mappings input.jam

remaps the JAR file input.jar using the mappings file input.jam in the jam format, as provided by lorenz-io-jam.jar, to be written to output.jar.

the specifics of this example may differ by what operating system or version of Java you are running.


Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Jamie Mansfield <>

Vignette is made available to you under the terms of the Mozilla Public Licence. This means you may use, copy and distribute Vignette to others. You are also welcome to modify the source code of Vignette as you want to meet your needs. The Mozilla Public Licence also gives you the right to distribute your modified versions.


Maintained by Jamie Mansfield <>. Up-to-date sources can be found at, issues and patches can be submitted at the same location.