About Me

I'm a hobbyist developer writing Java and Go software, with a particular interest in transforming Java binaries and codebases.
I'm the author behind many of the Cadix libraries (Bombe, Lorenz, Atlas, and more), which are in use throughout the Minecraft modding community:
- The Sponge Project use Atlas to remap the Minecraft server at runtime, and in their Gradle build tools. In the past they used Mercury for their cross-version upgrade kit, saving hundreds of hours of work - with greater accuracy.
- The Fabric Project use Mercury in their Gradle build tools to remap codebases (such as their own, and Fabric mods) to their latest Yarn mappings.
- The Paper Project use Mercury and Atlas in their new Gradle build tools, allowing them to work with Mojang mappings.
- Minecraft Forge use ProPatcher for their MCPConfig repository.
I also contribute to some popular software on occasion, here are some highlights:
- MultiMC: I wrote the support for both modern Feed The Beast packs and ATLauncher packs, and I continue to work on these features.
- Serenity OS: I wrote the Spider patience game implementation, and I continue to work on the game.
Previously I have also worked on many other projects, here are some highlights:
- I was a key contributor to the Sponge Project's new website, working to get a visually pleasing, functional, and inline with Sponge's identity across its web properties. I was later invited to join their team as a web developer.
- I was previously the maintainer of Waterfall, a performance fork of the Bungeecord server proxy.
- I was a contributor to the Minecraft Dev for IntelliJ project, contributing support for the Canary platform and later Waterfall.
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